Being a UX leader means giving your team the tools and inspiration they need to adopt a user-first mindset.

UX is an all-encompassing term that means different things to different people. It is there from the moment someone hears about your product. Each team utilizes UX differently and a lot of people either "know it when they see it", get a UX team b/c they heard they needed one or think they will get all the UI done. So what are you are actually getting when you hire me as a UX or Product Designer?

You get a curious, entrepreneurial designer who is passionate about creating memorable User Experiences through data, research and customer feedback. I bring design methods like journeying, persona building and customer analysis that make your customer front and center through out the life-cycle of your product. We will evolve your product into something that your customers not only enjoy, but will advocate for.


Strategic decision making using quantitative and qualitative data - from concept to live
Growing UX Maturity within game development
Feature development - journeys, wires, prototyping
Games User Research - designing, moderating and evaluating studies
Live Service Game Development
Lean UX development


You can find me hiking, snowshoeing, enjoying sound baths, practicing shinrin yoku, painting, crafting, reading a book, sketching, cooking and working in the garden.


Mental health and ways to improve inner thinking, ways to take action toward our climate crisis, other cultures than my own, real estate.